
I have always been fascinated by the different colors of greens in our small garden.  I sometimes make it a point to take some shot of them when they are at their best. It’s been a while though since I took photos, my camera is not working well. I rely  on my camera phone and tab  for quick shots. Here are some foliage shots I took over the years.

My Eugenia plant

Every tip is colored orange when the leaf is young. I so love this. You can shape Eugenia anything you want.

San Francisco or Croton plant

San Francisco comes in a variety of colors and shapes. They are easy to propagate shrubs but you need to trim them so they won’t grow too tall.

An ornamental
pineapple plant.

I have this for quite sometime and I am still waiting for it to produce those lovely fruits to no avail.

I forgot the name of this water plant.  It grows as vine and so easy to propagate. You can even use it inside for vases.

This belongs to the family of those Taro plants you commonly see in gardens.

A mosquito repellent plant.  I  use it as grown covers too. When you want lovely foliage in your garden, this is it.

About arlene

And here I thought it would be easy to create and start another blog. Starting all over again but that is the challenge of blogging. This is a continuation of my other blog called Dreams and Escapes. It is still a work in progress...

Posted on April 3, 2017, in flowers and blooms, photography and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Lovely greenery! Do you know the name of the mosquito repelling plant? I’d like to look it up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I doubt the mosquito repellent plant would grow in the Beetley climate, but I could do with some! Nice shots, and lovely shades of colour.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Boy, do we need that mosquito repellant plant come spring!

    Liked by 1 person

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