My Garden Blooms

This is just my 89th post after three years of blogging. But I have always been updated with my main blog. You can find the link here on the right corner of the blog.

I’ve recently took shots of our garden blooms. Summer is here and more blooms  could be seen.

My Ruellias used to be in purple shade only but lately, there are pnk and white blooms too.


My Adenium is beginning to show those lovely flowers in deep pink.


My orange Bougainvillea. I’ve never been successful in replanting such plant. We have one in pink at the corner outside our perimeter wall but since it was cut by the subdivision maintenance, it hasn’t flowered yet.


Vinca – planted from seeds a few months ago.



A more robust Vinca flowers. They self-propagate.


My Crossandra blooms are everywhere in the garden.


Hydrangea flowers are so lovely. The blooms are in a lovely shade of blue when I bought the pot.


Additional flowers turned into soft pink.


Did you know that the color of the hydrangea flowers change depending on the pH of the soil used?
In strongly acid soil (pH below 6), flowers turn blue. In alkaline soil (pH above 7), flowers turn pink or even red.


I started planting Zinnia again. this is a mini-Zinnia planted from seeds.


Msarigold is one of the loveliest colors in the garden but it has to be in partial shade, otherwise, the leaves would dry out under the heat of the sun.


You can find Mayanas in so many arresting colors but this one is just green. I wish I could find other colors again. Put them in a shaded area and they will thrive and give you those lovely blooms.



About arlene

And here I thought it would be easy to create and start another blog. Starting all over again but that is the challenge of blogging. This is a continuation of my other blog called Dreams and Escapes. It is still a work in progress...

Posted on April 13, 2018, in flowers and blooms, life, photography and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Nice to see all your colours on another dull day here, Arlene.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

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